Wednesday, February 23, 2011

App Review : Official Android Blogger app from Google

Jumping right into the first Blogger app review, the official Blogger app from Google does the job if you want to quickly post something, but that's it. You can look at it like a twitter app where you can upload pictures, and post a big long tweet. There isn't much you can do in term of editing the text. You can't change the color of the text, can't type in bold, can't do any type of rich text editing. Because there isn't any option for text formatting, there isn't a way for me to add that "READ MORE" page break thing. So unless you don't mind having a big long post show up on your main page, you'd have to log on with a computer sometime later to edit your post to add that READ MORE break.

Posting pictures is very easy with the app. Clicking on the camera icon will activate your camera. Clicking the image icon button will bring up an option to choose what image you want to add to your post. You can only select one image at a time, but you can add as many images you want to the post.

The downside to the image posting, is it is also very limited. You can't choose where the images go. Every single image you add to the post will end up at the end of the post, so you can't start a post with a picture or post a picture in the middle of the post. If you can, I haven't figured out how to do it yet.

You also can't edit the properties of the images, ie: making it smaller or larger. All images posted will be their original size. Selecting one of the images you've posted will bring up an option to remove it. I've posted four images with this post so you'll see how the blogger app will format and post these images. They are screen shots of my phone while I'm using the app to make this post.

This is meant to be a mobile app. Posting on the go, and with that said, there is an option to add your location to the post. You have an option of sharing your location or turning it off if you don't want stalkers. If you choose to share your location, another window will pop up with a few locations near by to choose from based on your GPS. I've added a location to this post so you can see how the app will format it and post it.

I don't see an option anywhere to post a video or a link. Maybe typing out a link in the post will automatically turn into a link. I don't know if it will or not, when I type it in the editor, the address doesn't change into a link. I will try and type two addresses on here (one with the http header, and the other with out), and see if the addresses turn into a clickable link after I publish the post.

*Update* nope, it looks like the links stayed as text. You can't post links with the official Blogger app from Google.

All in all, it's a good app to make a quick post to your blog. I wouldn't recommend it for someone to use in place of a computer. It isn't a replacement.

SKD Rating : 3/10

- It does the job.
- Can post images.
- Can choose which blog you want to post to, if you have multiple blogs.
- Can save Drafts.
- Can add location.

- No text formatting options. You cannot type in bold, change color of text, or any type of rich editing. You are only able to type in one simple boring font.
- Cannot edit html. So there is no work around to add a <b> in to make a text bold.
- limited image editing. Can only post images at the end of the post. There's no option to resize or place it mid post somewhere.
- Cannot post links.

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