Tuesday, October 18, 2011

[Review]:Cam Scanner - What I use it for !

Post moved over to HighGeekValue.com


  1. While this is a great software, I don't think it can scan big documents.

  2. Define "big documents". You can set a number of different page sizes. But if you're talking about poster sized documents and get all the details, I would assume it would depend on how good your camera is.

    I myself have used it to scan many different sized documents other than the standard A4 paper size.

  3. That's an interesting way of doing things. I have had the software for months, but I never thought of using it that way.

  4. @long island document scanning : when I first got the app way way back, I remember using it to scan every thing I could. Even things I didn't really need to scan, ie:. Menus.

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